PetroPages Industrial Marketing

3 New Factors That Could Tank Your Rankings in Google’s Next Update

In 2020, Google announced that they would be rolling out their Core Web Vitals update in May 2021. For so many of us, 2020 has come and gone in a blink of an eye, and our focus was not adjusting to a 2021 Google Search update but adjusting to the “new normal.” There...
topic cluster content strategy

5 Simple Steps To Develop A Topic Cluster Content Strategy

5 Simple Steps To Develop A Topic Cluster Content Strategy When trying to win the top spots on the Google battlefield, it’s critical to have an organized approach to content development. An outline that develops pillar content with topic clusters will support and drive your...

Increase Your Marketing Efficiency Through Batching

Increase Your Marketing Efficiency Through Batching We all want to generate valuable content, but sometimes it’s hard to find the time or get into the groove. Whatever your struggle, one thing is constant: content needs to be produced. We have many clients come to us...