PetroPages Industrial Marketing

Industrial Web Design

Led by Industry Experience

Get in Touch about Web Design

PetroPages has been providing web design to industrial clients since 1998. The vast majority of our work is hand coded html. We start by understanding your needs and the image and brand that you should be projecting. From there we design graphic concepts that our graphic design and marketing team brainstorm and agree is ready for our client. This phase of website development is conveyed to our clients through still images and explanations.

Content is king. In order to have a great website, you need great text and images. We can take on as much or as little of the content development as you prefer. We have a great online tool that simplifies and organizes the collaboration required for this phase. Typically, the best solution is one where we provide the structure and pre-populate some of the content for whatever pages we are proposing to build for which we can grab content from your current site or other provided marketing material. At that point, you access our system and add rough text and supporting images. We then go back and rework the text to create compelling copy and to better support our SEO effort.

After we have the content, know the brand and understand your website objectives, we develop the graphic concepts. After the graphic concepts are approved, we begin code development.

Check out some of Our Work.

Contact PetroPages at 281.316.0353