PetroPages Industrial Marketing

6 Elements of a Strong Marketing Strategy

Having a strong marketing strategy is an instrumental tool to get your company from where you are now – to where you want to be. While creating a marketing strategy can often be a daunting task, it doesn’t have to be. For every client that we work with each strategy can be...
How to Share Your B2B Blog on Social Media the Right Way!

How to Share Your B2B Blog on Social Media the Right Way!

Most companies realize the importance of social media in the B2B market, but what they don’t realize is how important it is to share your blog on social media the correct way. What Is A Blog? Some companies might think that a blog is pointless and doesn’t contribute to turning...

The Foundation is Poured and the Steel Structure is Up!

It’s official, the foundation for the new PetroPages building is poured! This marks the beginning for our big move in July of 2016. We have teamed up with Wycoff to build a new home where we will continue to provide quality marketing and web services for our clients in the...

Christmas Animation for KAP Project Services

Every year, our team has the pleasure of creating Christmas emails on behalf of our clients. The emails are a great way for our clients to send Christmas cheer to their valued clients. Below is the latest example of what PetroPages created for KAP Project Services. Our talented...

Google launching new mobile-friendly algorithm

The new mobile ranking algorithm will go live April 21st With mobile search engine traffic steadily climbing, it was only a matter of time before Google added a mobile feature to their search engine algorithm. Google is always updating their algorithm to ensure that users are...

How to Find Industrial Suppliers

Navigate. Navigate to a product category – Click on one of the main categories on the front door of the directory. From there select the more detailed subcategories. Your list of suppliers is whittling down as you select subcategories. Example: Find a list of Mag Drive...

Introducing the New PetroPages Directory

Our goal is to make the best industrial buyers guide on the web, so we’re building it different from the ground up. Here’s what you’ll notice when you use our application. No distractions. We’ve cut out every ad and every link to anything not directly...

So What’s PetroPages All About?

I thought it apt that the first post on the PetroPages blog be sort of a vision statement about what PetroPages is and where we’re heading. We are a full service marketing and media communications firm that serves the Petrochemical, Process and Power Generation Industries....