PetroPages Industrial Marketing

PetroPages 3D Animations & more at PPIM 2016

The 2016 Pipeline Pigging & Integrity Management Conference (PPIM) will be held Feb. 8-11 at the Houston Westchase Hotel. Several of our clients will be exhibiting. Many of them will be rolling out new marketing material designed and developed by PetroPages. PetroPages’...

Sales Presentation with 3D Animations

Over the past four years we have developed many 3D animations for Buss SMS. These animations depict various highly engineered thin film evaporators and large volume processors. We recently developed a sales tool that allows their sales force to show off general aspects of the...

Key Steps to Creating a Memorable Sales Presentation

Memorable Sales Presentations When designing a sales presentation keep in mind four primary aspects of human nature. Our minds capture and retain information better if the information is organized and connected. 1. Tell your audience how many slots of information they need to...

The Foundation is Poured and the Steel Structure is Up!

It’s official, the foundation for the new PetroPages building is poured! This marks the beginning for our big move in July of 2016. We have teamed up with Wycoff to build a new home where we will continue to provide quality marketing and web services for our clients in the...

Christmas Animation for KAP Project Services

Every year, our team has the pleasure of creating Christmas emails on behalf of our clients. The emails are a great way for our clients to send Christmas cheer to their valued clients. Below is the latest example of what PetroPages created for KAP Project Services. Our talented...